Extend Speed->Max (); G-Force->0; +1RPM; disengage if clear, vulnerable if still in the fight
Alt Adjustment++ Trade speed for altitude 5 to 1
Alt Adjustment+ steady Speed->Stall (); Alt+Climb (); +1RPM
Not Diving If speed>Max (), reduce airspeed by Energy Loss (), but not below Max Speed ()
Alt Adjustment - dive Trade altitude for speed 1 to 3, can exceed Max Speed ()
Pull Up G-Force+Speed Factor (); spend altitude to reduce G-force taken 1 to 1
Overstrain When G-force>: Damage; G-Force->
Overspeed When Airspeed>Overspeed (), +1RPM, +1 per 5 extra speed
Boost Speed+Boost (); if Speed<Dropoff (), Speed+2xBoost (2x); +1RPM
Cool Off When RPM>7: Reduce Speed to Max Speed () or less; Check Wear; RPM->0; G-Force->0; Hard Move
Stall/Spin When you lose control, or when Speed<Stall (). Try to Recover, or take 1 last move and accept the consequences
Recover Roll+Calm; Spend energy to recover depending on result
Collision Both planes take damage equal to 1d20 per Speed Factor of the faster plane (1d10 if Speed Factor is 0)
Dogfight, Attack, Pursue +Hard+Agility,
Reduce Speed () by (Turn Bleed () + Speed Factor ())
Dogfight, Escape, Bait, Defend +Keen+Agility,
Reduce Speed () by (Turn Bleed () + Speed Factor ())
Dogfight, Turn Tables +Daring+Agility,
Reduce Speed () by (Turn Bleed () + Speed Factor ())
...Agility Bonus +1 if your Handling is better, +1/10 points of superior handling; -1 if your handling is worse, -1/10 points of lesser handling
...Commit to the Turn Bonus = +1/Turn Bleed () spent; G-Force + Speed Factor () +1 per 10 Speed spent.
Open Fire +Hard, spend Ammo, determine the range
Take Fire -Keen
Stay on Target +Calm
Draw a Bead When you carefully line up a shot, choose 1, then Open Fire...
Evade Danger +Keen
Chase compare speeds...
Overwatch Hold 1, Spend to protect friend
Bail Out +Calm+Escape (); tell the GM one thing you take with you and roll
Go Down +Calm+Crash Safety ()