Extend Speed->Max (); G-Force->0; +1RPM; disengage if clear, vulnerable if
still in the fight
Alt Adjustment++ Trade speed for altitude 5 to 1
Alt Adjustment+ steady Speed->Stall (); Alt+Climb (); +1RPM
Not Diving If speed>Max (), reduce airspeed by Energy Loss (), but not below Max Speed ()
Alt Adjustment - dive Trade altitude for speed 1 to 3, can
exceed Max Speed ()
Pull Up G-Force+Speed Factor (); spend altitude to reduce G-force taken 1 to 1
Overstrain When G-force>: Damage; G-Force->
Overspeed When Airspeed>Overspeed (), +1RPM, +1 per 5 extra speed
Boost Speed+Boost (); if Speed<Dropoff (),
Speed+2xBoost (2x); +1RPM
Cool Off When RPM>7: Reduce Speed to Max Speed () or less; Check Wear; RPM->0; G-Force->0; Hard Move
Stall/Spin When you lose control, or when Speed<Stall
(). Try to Recover, or take 1 last move and accept the
Recover Roll+Calm; Spend energy to recover depending on
Collision Both planes take damage equal to 1d20 per Speed
Factor of the faster plane (1d10 if Speed Factor is 0)
Dogfight, Attack, Pursue +Hard+Agility,
Speed () by (Turn Bleed ()
+ Speed Factor ())
Dogfight, Escape, Bait, Defend +Keen+Agility,
Reduce Speed () by (Turn Bleed () + Speed Factor ())
Dogfight, Turn Tables +Daring+Agility,
Reduce Speed
() by (Turn Bleed () +
Speed Factor ())
...Agility Bonus +1 if your Handling is better, +1/10
points of superior handling; -1 if your handling is worse, -1/10 points of lesser handling
...Commit to the Turn Bonus = +1/Turn Bleed () spent; G-Force + Speed Factor () +1 per 10 Speed spent.
Open Fire +Hard, spend Ammo, determine the range
Take Fire -Keen
Stay on Target +Calm
Draw a Bead When you carefully line up a shot, choose 1,
then Open Fire...
Evade Danger +Keen
Chase compare speeds...
Overwatch Hold 1, Spend to protect friend
Bail Out +Calm+Escape (); tell the GM one thing you take with you and roll
Go Down +Calm+Crash Safety ()